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lundi 22 septembre 2014

Health Tips To Assist Individuals Reverse Insulin Resistance

By Mattie MacDonald

Individuals are always in a continuum between disease and health. Some of the illnesses are chronic while others are acute. Diabetes is an example of a chronic illness. In this case, individuals are not in a position to control their blood sugars and therefore it fluctuates abnormally. One cause of this fluctuation is resistance to usual control mechanism; this far, it has been established that one can reverse insulin resistance by simple interventions like diet and exercise moderation.

Consumption of high amounts of carbohydrates is the primary factor which results to high sugars in vascular system. A precise way to prevent this from occurring is therefore by simply by avoiding or limiting intake of related food components. Instead of these sugar rich foods, one who is a victims of such resistance should eat more fatty and protein rich food. If carbohydrates must be eaten then they have to be taken in the least possible quantities and gradually.

A second strategy is exercise. By performing adequate exercise, an individual burns the excess of carbohydrate in vascular system. This has the effect of controlling its concentration. In such activity times, body cells take up and utilize much of the free sugars thereby limiting its levels in circulation. In addition to this, exercise has been demonstrated to limit adrenalin production from the adrenalin cortex. This prevents the high release of triglycerides by liver and consequently controls the disease.

Applying two named strategies show synergistic kind of relationship; each adds to the quality of expected outcome from the other. If this approach strictly followed, its outcome is usually a favorable one with majority achieving nearly complete reverse. For this reason, it has also been described as a treatment for insulin resistance.

Adequate sleep and proper stress management is equally significant as a remedy against insulin resistance. A sleep time of up to eight hours a night is just enough. When the body is well rested and not in distress, there is no release of stress related substances which trigger rise in blood sugars.

Adequate nutritional is medicinal and has been shown to be the primary cause of certain diseases when remarkable alterations occur. For this particular condition in question, necessary elements include vitamin B6, chromium and glut-amine. Any imbalance in either intake or utilization of these substances leads to insulin resistance. There are other elements and or food nutrients that may cause similar effects if not taken in the diet to a level that cause deficiency.

In addition to above mentioned strategies, avoiding some other substances that stimulate production of triglycerides is necessary. These may include and are not limited to alcohol, tobacco smoke and caffeine.

In summary therefore, all persons should make it their responsibility to remain healthy. This should be the case whether one has been diagnosed with such resistance or not. Even with the disease, one possibly leads a comfortable life and even restores self to a previous healthy state by following simple lifestyle guides. Quality life is an asset that all people should access in whichever way possible and not even diabetes should take it away.

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