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samedi 15 février 2014

Tips To Understanding Pulse Irrigation

By Eliza Mendoza

As the world population grows so does the need for more food. This growth is coupled with a reduction in arable land as people settle and build homes where farming should be done. This forces mankind to come up with better farming methods that will take less space and produce more food. Systems like pulse irrigation has proven to be just one of the ways to make land more productive while using little water.

This is a type of irrigation that makes it possible to manage your water usage. It can be scaled to whatever flow one requires so as to greatly minimize water flow. It can be used with sprinkler or drip irrigation very effectively. The traditional low flow systems and even ultra low flow systems of irrigation can be used with this pulse system.

This is an irrigation system mostly used in areas where water is very scarce like in desert countries including Israel. It works by passively allowing water to flow at a controlled rate into a reservoir so as to build pressure in the reservoir at a steady rate. On reaching a predetermined pressure level, the valves from the reservoir open forcing a pulse of water out.

The flow gradually lowers the pressure hence the valve closes again so that the reservoir can recharge again. The inflow is kept below the outlet flow therefore the cycle is maintained. A drip flow controller is used at the inlet managing the rate at which water flows into the reservoir therefore the timing.

As long as the system is properly installed, it will not need any monitoring. This system keeps the plants from overwatering. This constant, controlled and frequent water flow reduces the plant demand for water and lowers usage of water. The plants also do not experience water stress due to the intermittent supply.

To make this system work, strong magnets are used to keep the outlet valve closed. As the reservoir pressure overcomes the magnet strength, they are forced open and the top one goes up allowing water to flow. When the pressure reduces, the magnet lowers and sticks back in position and another cycle of recharging starts.

When used with a sprinkler system, the results are impressive. During seed germination, it can be set to sprinkle for 5 seconds every minute in the first two weeks after planting. This is then gradually adjusted till you can allow it to sprinkle for an 8 hour period three times a week. The basic determinants are the rain conditions, intensity of the sun and water need by the plant.

Pulse irrigation system has been proven to have many advantages in farming. Even when used with a drip or sprinkler system, you get no run offs on heavy soil. Used on sandy soil that is known to have poor water retention, there is no leaching or water loss. On hilly areas and shallow soil, water does not run off despite the terrain. One can also achieve temperature control effectively through evaporative cooling using foggers and sprinklers working intermittently. This low discharge rate allows for use of little space in greenhouse and smaller containers. The system installation costs are also lowered greatly since it requires low capacity water pumps and smaller conduits.

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