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jeudi 10 avril 2014

Let Your Youngster Attend Yoga For Kids Calgary Classes

By Jaclyn Hurley

The yoga for kids Calgary specialists offer is characterized by dynamic movements interspersed with static postures and relaxation. Usually, they first do a dynamic movement several times and then stay in that same position, and then feel the effect of the exercises in a relaxed position after. A full class consists of standing, sitting and lying exercises and concludes with a relaxation exercise. Both dynamic and static postures are supported by the child's breath, paying attention to the full breathing movement (abdomen, sides, chest).

Anyone who can move can join this sort of class. The exercises can be physically quite tough, but are designed so that kids do not get an uncomfortable feeling in their body. It is not about performance, but to look at their own limits and move from there. More space and relaxation mean a better mood. Different exercises are repeated in the lessons, so that attention can be distributed over the three essential areas.

Stress in children leads to restless and agitated breathing. Try it out for yourself. Take very agitated breaths for a few minutes. You will soon find that you not only physically, but also mentally feel miserable. This is why proper breathing is important in every exercise. The guidelines for each exercise (asana), therefore, remind: have quiet and regular breathing.

People who are unfamiliar with the discipline are sometimes stuck on the idea that it revolves around doing complicated and uncomfortable physical exercises. The opposite is true. Of course there are many asanas in which the necessary strength and flexibility is needed, but kids will soon find that most classical exercises are fairly simple to perform.

Attention and space for the individual will be assured. In everyday life, the kids will particularly find themselves able to understand more of the world around them after joining these classes. Normally, they tend to look outside to focus their attention. Usually, they give the circumstances or the environment most of their attention, both positively and negatively.

Chakras are centers of spiritual energy in the human body. The seven major chakras run along your spine to your crown. The chakras (Sanskrit for 'wheel') can be compared with a kind of energy highway. Chakras take and give off energy through channels that flow through the body. Chakras are responsible for the activation of the various body functions such as breathing, talking, walking and so on.

Everything you experience, you experience in your body, so it calls attention to your body. The intention is that the child's attention is shifting from being under observation to being the observer. They can let their feelings and thoughts come and go again. Because they know that part of them is bright, loving, inquisitive and without judging, they will be far happier and calmer. Thus, they can perceive their feelings, experiences and thoughts in a more understanding way.

This is an ongoing process in which the child gets to know itself again and again. They will learn to remain more present in the moment with their attention. This is because yoga focuses on awakening of the youngster's inner self.

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