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vendredi 8 août 2014

The Benefits Of Anti Inflammatory Foods

By Annabelle Holman

Your health, as well as your weight, greatly depends on your diet. Inflammation increases risk for cardiovascular diseases and other chronic diseases, speeds up the aging process and may cause more intensive pain in case you suffer from different chronic diseases already, or arthritis. Anti inflammatory foods have very good effect on overall health condition, and may also relief pain.

Junk food and highly processed food usually contain large number of calories, but very little valuable nutrients your organism needs for proper functioning. This type of food quickly increase your blood sugar level but it doesn't supply your organism with essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. That's why it causes inflammation.

Anti inflammatory substances have opposite effect. They supply your body with all those things it needs for staying healthy and strong, and reduce inflammation. Typically, this type of diet is based on fresh, unprocessed ingredients, whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, soy, lean meat, seeds, walnuts, almonds, fish and other foods rich in minerals, anti-oxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids and phyto-chemicals.

Fruits are especially valuable. Brightly colored fruits and berries are rich with anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants fight free radicals and help you stay healthy and young, and protect your skin and beauty as well. Mono-saturated fats contained in avocado, for example, are also highly valuable, especially if you need additional source of plant-based proteins. Low fat meat is also allowed.

Healthy fats contained in nuts, avocado, seeds, olive and canola oil and some other foods are essential for preserving physical and psychical health. Your brain needs them to be able to work. Low-fat meat, fish and seafood are great sources of these healthy fats and Omega-3 amino acids. Calculate our calorie intake, but include these valuable foods in your diet.

Fish such as salmon, sardines and tuna are just great sources for inflammatory protein. Most seafood is also beneficial. You should eat fish every week, at least once, but this means that you should eat freshly prepared, not canned fish. Remember, you should avoid any industrially processed food, whenever you can. Forget about frying, your food can be consumed fresh, cooked or baked instead.

Drink water, spring or mineral one, natural fruit and vegetable juices, herbal teas or even coffee. Don't add sugar, but use stevia instead. Don't drink sweet industrial beverages. The most valuable fruits and vegetables are dark green and brightly colored ones. Avoid adding salt in vegetable juices. One banana a day is perfectly enough, it is really rich in calories. Apricots contain vitamin B-17, and are really healthy, even when dry.

All junk food and industrially processed food is bad for your organism. This type of food is nutritionally poor, but rich with calories, and causes inflammation. Eat plenty of legumes, grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, and don't forget about walnuts and seeds. Instead of white bread, choose whole grain bread. Make sure to take enough water every day. Have an occasional cup of black coffee, coffee is also effective against inflammation.

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