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samedi 22 novembre 2014

Understanding New Eco Intelligent Remedies For Autism

By Etta Bowen

While there are a number of new schools, treatment facilities and other locations which help teach and treat those with Autism, one of the best therapies may actually be as simple as taking a hike through the woods. For some living with Autism, Eco Intelligent Remedies for Autism may be an option. For others, issues may be so severe that ongoing residency in an established healing center remains the only option.

Eco Therapy, Eco Remedies and Eco Sexual activities all have one thing in common, nature. A strong connection to nature can evolve into Eco Sexual activities whereas a number of eco therapies use nature as a free and permanent healing aid. Whether coupling nature with therapy, remedy, or sex, the connection between nature and human kind is often a strong one.

Those looking for these type treatments can often discuss the pros and cons with a number of different holistic specialists. These specialists include Massage Therapists, Chiropractors, Acupuncturists, Dentists and others. In some cases, those having dental issues may want to confirm with a primary dental care provider as to whether various altitudes may cause a problem.

Nature also has transformational powers when it comes to feeling more positive and upbeat. In fact, in a recent survey 94& of people felt better after a brief walk through the woods. Whereas, 3/4 of a population of patients suffering from severe clinical depression reported no longer feeling depressed after a brief walk through a county park.

The biggest part of the process is the connection an individual builds with the elements of nature. Air, earth, fire, water, Spirit. When an individual can connect with all elements of nature in the physical world, much healing can take place. Whether sitting in a heated mineral water tub, or partaking of the edible flowers and mushrooms of the forest, all can go along way in healing body, mind and spirit.

Before eating any flowers or mushrooms from the wild, it is important to have a guidebook or guide which can identify the deadly from the yummy on both accounts. While there are many flowers and mushrooms which are edible, there are also those like the Death Cap which can kill anyone who consumes it within a matter of moments. As such, having a guide or guidebook is highly advised regardless as to where one plans on hiking or walking in nature.

Writing in a journal is often a good way to tract symptoms and success. For the severely depressed, writing about the different feelings and emotions one has in nature compared to home life can really help individuals discover issues which are holding one back in life.

Whether for fun, a temporary condition like writer's block or overcoming Autism and Depression, free therapies are also often some of the best and most successful. Spending more time in nature can also be beneficial in other ways. Thus eco remedies, even when failing, still provides positive benefits in other areas.

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