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mardi 13 janvier 2015

How Glock Accessories Can Make You A Faster Shooter

By Kristen Baird

The Glock 9 mm semi-automatic pistol is regarded by many as America's favorite handgun. Using the right Glock accessories can make shooting easier. First, it is essential to understand the basic principles underlying all firearms. At its simplest, a gun is a closed metal tube with one end open and the other end, which is rounded, drilled with a tiny hole to accommodate a flammable length of fuse. Gunpowder, a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur, is placed into the closed end of the tube (the breech). The earliest functional model of this apparatus was the cannon.

Lighting the fuse ignites the gunpowder, a mixture of charcoal, sulfur and potassium nitrate), which suddenly generates a huge volume of gas, exerting a tremendous amount of pressure on the cannon ball to fly out the bore of the metal tube. It is the product of the mass of the projectile and the acceleration due to the gas pressure that blasts the target to Kingdom Come. More portable firearms in the form of flintlock pistols evolved out of this same principle. Now, they use detonators instead of fuses.

The problem with early handguns was they could only fire one shot at a time, after which the operator would have to clean and reload the weapon in order to fire the next shot. Enter the revolver, which only had to be reloaded after every fifth or sixth shot. The bullets sat in a revolving chamber, which advanced one shot each time it was fired. The revolver came along in the 1800s.

Revolvers were great, but people wanted to kill each other even faster. This is where the semi-automatic pistol comes in. In these devices, the ammunition sits in a holder called a magazine residing in the butt (handle) of the gun. Some of the larger magazines were capable of holding up to 15 bullets.

The trigger action in a pistol is also lighter than that of a revolver. The down side of the semi-auto pistol is that it has a capacity to jam, a feat that is nigh impossible for the revolver. Lastly, automatic pistols fire bullets automatically as soon as they load into the chamber.

Today's Glock is a semi-automatic pistol and probably America's favorite hand gun. It was developed by a team of Austrian engineers and designers led by a man named Gaston Glock. Inspired by an open request from the Austrian army for designs of a new sidearm, the team came up with the Glock. Because the company was already making hand grenades out of plastic, the design team naturally incorporated the material into the new firearm.

The Austrian Defense Ministry approved of the design and initially ordered 25,000 of the semi-automatic plastic pistols. Made in all major calibers, the Glock 9 mm has become America's most popular hand gun. One of the most important accessories for the weapon is the magazine. Glock magazines are designed to hold more ammunition than other gun designs.

In Europe, the magazine is designed not to just drop out of the weapon onto the ground partly loaded. It's not the done thing. The magazine comes out at the press of a button. American soldiers, on the other hand, don't like to waste time prying out a spent magazine, and prefer it to drop out of the weapon of its own accord.

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