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mercredi 20 mai 2015

Menopause And Slow Metabolism And Slow Metabolism Stages

By Toni Vang

We all have heard and have different views about this burning issue of bodyweight be it facts or myths. To those who sorted the information from credible sources menopause and slow metabolism are some of the numerous scientifical reason as to why people gain weight. This conditions tend to be harsh on women than men by nature.

In the early days it was it was a rare to come by chubby people but of late the case proves totally different. From the tender age cases of obesity are being reported and this is mainly attributed to the unhealthy lifestyle humans are living. This doesn't leave out the financially unprivileged part of society a misconception that many people have.

Diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart complications are more recorded from people with abnormal body mass index due to overweight. This conditions are fatal and increase the mortality rate especially in old age reducing the life expectancy worldwide. Funds have been pumped in clinical research and trials in the quest to curb this unfitness for the sake of the current and future generation.

In the women fraternity the word weight gain is more uttered. This problems affect their health and psychological well-being. From preliminary schools to tertiary levels, girls who are plus size are seen as a joke and most end up in seclusion from their friends affecting their performance and even suicide.

Its crystal clear that this is condition is not trivial but solutions are available to those who are in it and the group that is intending to avoid it. Food intake is a major cause to this overweight and thus professional advice that it's crucial to have a proportional intake that is well balanced in diet. However this doesn't mean starvation which many shriek from as for those who choose to do it ends up in worse situation contrary to their anticipation.

To avoid misleading advice its god to consult your doctor if you intend to put away some calories. This will protect you from the straining exercise, starvation and unhealthy body as you avoid specific type of diets such as carbohydrates and fats. This will eliminate the possibility of double tragedy of weak immune system and chubby body.

Fix body comes with a price. This can be from the dollars that you let[] go to get professional attention even before you set out to the most straight forward ways to shed weight such as exercising.

Most successful weight shedding has happened to those who took the obvious option and consulted their doctor even before exercising. Despite the gender, the age gap that one fall, social class it's possible to have a healthy body and this starts by accepting the situation, taking an analysis of the problem and presented options of the way out and sticking to them. It might not be in your horizon to have that perfect body as your friend, TV personality or athlete but when you need to feel good of yourself make sure you put that extra effort after all everything comes with a price.

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