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mercredi 19 avril 2017

Finding The Right Macular Degeneration Vitamins For The ARMD

By Donna Fox

As people grow older, there are many age-related diseases that may inevitably happen and this includes macular degeneration. Once any individual reaches the age of 60, he or she will be more prone to acquiring this eye condition. Keeping a healthy lifestyle by eating the right kind of foods such as vegetables and fish as well as exercising regularly can help reduce the risk of this disease and other eye conditions including diabetic radiotherapy. Because of the advancements in health and science, various treatments and preventive measures are now available including macular degeneration vitamins.

The macula in the eye is a most important component in the vision of a person. However, it can degenerate because of different factors including hypertension, genetics, high level of cholesterol, damage from the sun and smoking.

Wet MD means that blood vessels are affecting the retina, while the dry form implies that there is some debris in the eye. Age-related MD refers to one of either wet or dry MD. Symptoms include a difficulty in recognizing faces and in reading, as well as dark patches in your vision or empty vision in your eye line. Wet macular degeneration is less common, generally speaking.

Diagnosis will entail an examination of the retina and is easy and free of pain. Early detection is the key here, as this condition can cause blindness if left untreated. No need to suffer longer than you have to. With so many treatment options available getting diagnosed quickly and moving equally quickly on to a treatment option, is the best thing you can do.

This eye disease is most common in Caucasian females over the age of 60 who smoke but can occur in anyone as they age. Individuals with a history of MD in the family are also at a higher risk.

The main thing to remember with any eye complaint is that treatment should be sought fast, as the quicker you get diagnosed, the more effective the treatment can be and the less suffering you have to experience.Improving your diet is one option. Essential nutrients and vitamins can benefit your eye sight. Another great thing you can do is quit smoking, and you can protect yourself from the sun light as much as possible.

As of today, there are no proven cures for ARMD but there are some treatments that halt very severe vision loss. There are also treatments available that will help to slow the disease's progression. Screening for this disease is mostly free in most clinics because of several groups that are advocates for the prevention of this condition.

Laser treatments are effective in stopping the leaking blood vessels that occur in people who are suffering from wet ARMD. These same people also can benefit from photodynamic laser treatments. With this treatment option, a light-sensitive drug is administered by using an intravenous IV. The drug accumulates in the eye and the doctor shines the laser beam into the eye area to activate the drug. This, in turn, has a detrimental effect on any abnormal blood vessels that may be there because of wet ARMD.

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