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samedi 7 juin 2014

When Do You Need The Services Of Mobile Drug Testing Texas Technicians?

By Minnie Whitley

Workers are the most important asset for a company and when they start engaging in unquestionable behaviors such as use of drugs, it may impair their ability to enhance the growth of a company. Employers who suspect that their workers could be indulging in drugs use should consider contacting mobile drug testing Texas technicians to tests the workers and offer accurate results.

Having the tests done within a business is a strategic approach especially when a large group of people is to be tested. The results are only disclosed to the management and individuals involved. Most drugs test units will arrive at the location in unmarked vehicles. This means that anyone not directly involved in the exercise will not know what is going on.

Accidents may occur due to effects of drugs leading to serious repercussions. Using the substances may cause injuries to workers leading to increased worker compensation insurance. Workers using the substances may fall ill often thus being granted with sick offs. With increased accidents, your company may be targeted for inspection by the OSHA officials, and mostly likely you will be found to be contravening the rules and regulations.

The employees may conduct themselves unethically when dealing with clients, something that could raise red flags about the ability of the business to provide good customer care. One thing with drugs is that they interrupt and impair the concentration. Workers are not able to concentrate with their duties.

It requires a lot of time to go for tests outside workplace. In addition, the workers are out of their duties at once. The employer will also have to pay for the cost of transporting workers to the laboratories. From the problem of transport, waste of time, to the issues of cheating, they are eliminated when technicians come to the premises.

Since the insurance company is likely to increase the premium rates, employers should ensure accidents are minimized. If an employer records high number of accidents, insurance companies tend to raise the premium rates for a worker comp plan. Besides, companies that witness high number of accidents are targeted by OSHA officials.

Such inspections may subject the companies to hefty fines when they are found not to adhere to the rules and regulations set by the OSHA concerning safety and health of workers. Instead of sending your employees to traditional testing centers, you may want to consider having the technicians visit your premises. The services of the technicians entail visiting organizations, companies, or even homes to take blood and urine samples from the employees for various drugs tests.

With sober employees, it means few cases of careless accidents. Many institutions and organizations can use mobile tests to further their business growth and promote safety in workplace. All you need to do is to get in touch with the technicians and provide them with the necessary details, and they would be more than willing to help you at an affordable price. With the technicians, they will help you weed out the bad employees from the responsible and productive workers by giving results that are accurate.

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