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jeudi 7 février 2013

The 411 On Uterine Fibroids And The Symptoms Of Uterine Fibroids

By Terry Robbins

Uterine fibroids can be a pain literally and figuratively. If they require treatment which is not usually recommended if they remain small and produce no symptoms, the treatment is by way of various surgical procedures. Thankfully, there are many ways to get rid of fibroids naturally.

What are fibroids?

These tumors are usually benign which means that they are non cancerous. They are solid growths that usually grow within the walls of the uterus. These growths can also grow out from the uterus. If they become quite large, they may fill the entire uterus and push out through the cervix into the vagina but this only happens rarely. These tumors contain smooth muscle fibers and vary in shape and size. They also grow very slowly.

These growths usually affect women of child bearing age and black women are usually affected more than women of other races. The reason for this remains unknown.


The reason for the development of fibroid tumors is still a mystery although many doctors think that the female hormone estrogen is to blame. Doctors believe this is so because there are hardly any reports of these growths before puberty and after menopause when estrogen production is at its lowest. Most reports of these seem to occur at the peak of estrogen production which is during the middle to late reproductive years.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

a. Abdominal pain is one of the symptoms although this does not happen often unless the growths become twisted and cut off its own blood supply leading to pain.

b. Heavy blood flow during the menstrual cycle is another symptom.

c. You may have a prolonged menstrual cycle.

d. Another problem that may arise is constipation which results from large tumors that press upon the intestines.

e. Frequent urination resulting from large growths that press upon the bladder is another symptom making you want to urinate more frequently.

f. Large growths can lead to an enlarged abdomen.

g. Leg pains may also be experienced.

h. Pregnancy and the increase in hormones during this time can cause the growths to increase in size which can lead to pregnancy complications as the baby continues to grow. When these tumors continue to grow very large during pregnancy, they may require surgical removal.

It is important to remember that many women with these growths do not experience any symptoms at all. The fibroids are usually discovered during normal exams.


There are many treatments for these growths being developed and any woman seeking treatment should always perform her own research and not simply rely on her doctor. Her doctor may not have the latest information or know the latest treatment alternatives. Getting a second or third opinion as well as performing her own research especially into a natural treatment for fibroids which may work better for her, is strongly recommended.

Common surgeries usually recommended by conventional treatment methods include the myomectomy and hysterectomy. Do keep in mind that new surgeries are constantly being developed.

A myomectomy involves the surgical removal of the tumors while leaving the uterus intact. An intact uterus means that pregnancy is still possible although the possibility of more tumors developing in the future remains.

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that seeks to remove the tumors as well as the uterus. Without a uterus, there is zero chance of developing fibroid tumors in the future but there is also zero chance of ever becoming pregnant.

Again, research is important before electing either surgical procedure especially the hysterectomy as there may be an alternative treatment including a natural treatment of fibroids that will be better for you.

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