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jeudi 7 février 2013

The Three Steps Of A Muscle Building Workout Plan

By Russ Howe

If you walk into any gym and ask somebody how to build muscle the chances are you will hear a different answer for every person you ask. There is such confusion surrounding the muscle building process. As any trainer will know, there are three fundamental rules to building a more powerful physique.

Despite the millions of different theories put forward, there are three very simply principles which will help you to reach your goals in the gym. Sometimes going back to basics is the best way to get results.

* Build your workout around the big, multiple joint movements.

* You don't grow in the gym, you grow while resting.

* You won't get far without a solid nutrition plan backing up your effort in the gym.

We will run through these tips in a little bit more depth for you now so you are able to hit the weights room full of confidence in your new routine. The first rule points out the importance of making the most of compound exercises.

The main issue with people who want to get bigger in the gym is that they tend to spend too much time doing isolation exercises and not enough time on compound movements. Your compounds are your key to success, so use them as the basis of your session. You may enjoy the bench press, which is a great compound exercise, but the other lifts tend to be neglected in favor of small isolated movements such as bicep curls. Squats, pull ups and shoulder press need more attention here.

That's not to say you should not perform isolation exercises, of course, they are still very useful. Just be sure to build your workout routine around your biggest lifts. By that we mean don't exhaust your chest before you have performed your bench press and don't wipe out your quadriceps before you attempt squats.

Most people who find it difficult to get bigger are able to experience gains they have never had before thanks to that one simple trick. To get the most from it, however, you need to also pay special attention to the second point. As you begin to notice results you will want to train every day. That's actually a bad thing.

Your efforts in the gym deserve physical results and those results happen during periods of rest. If you go to the gym every day you'll notice it becomes more difficult to see any results because your body isn't being given the recuperation time that it needs. This is easily the most overlooked aspect of training for those looking to get bigger.

Finally we need to speak about your overall diet plan. Try not to make the common mistake of presuming diets are only for those trying to figure out how to lose weight. The food you eat consists of your diet, so regardless of your overall goal, you still have a diet.

Working out the number of calories per day you need is simple, for those who don't know simply multiply your weight in kilograms by 25 and then add another 50% to the total answer.

However, it's one thing eating the right number of calories in a day. You also have to ensure you are getting a good balance of the 3 main macro nutrients. That's protein, carbohydrates and fat to you and I. A split of 30%, 50% and 20% is enough to make the most of those calories.

If you have been struggling to get results for a while not don't worry, confusion is everywhere in the gym. In fact, if you ask people for tips on how to lose weight you will notice the same confusion reigns over that area as well. You now have the three proven rules behind a good routine which will teach you how to build muscle and retain it.

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