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mardi 30 septembre 2014

How To Use The Portable Oxygen Tank Safely

By Karina Frost

Even if you are sick, you should not have your mobility limited. You should still have your freedom, even if it is just simply moving around the house. When you are sick, then you should consider getting yourself a portable oxygen tank. It should allow you to travel around the house or even outside even when you have a condition that does not allow you to.

It should be easier for an individual to move around when he or she is attached to this gadget instead of the stationary system. Instead of having to wait while lying in bed, one can move around even without the full assistance of a caregiver because of the said gadget. Of course, one should learn how to use this medical gadget with care.

Using the said gadget with care is imperative. After all, this means that one can keep the self or the family members from getting any injuries or another type of illness because of the mishandling of the said medical gadget. To those who needs to ensure the safety of the house, the self, or the family members, here are safety tips to note.

First, you should keep a written list of how much and what rate of the said gaseous element you have to use whenever you are going around the house or just a bit outside. You should never increase the flow rate of the said medical equipment on your own. If you must do so, then you have to ask the permission of your caregiver.

Prepare a list of important phone numbers. One of the phone numbers you must keep close is the phone number for the agency providing the medical tool you always use. This way, you can easily keep in touch when something happens. Other numbers that must be listed are those of the hospital, rescue team, or emergency department.

When you are sick, you are sure to rely on the medical tool to help you recuperate. It is not recommended that you only have one in your possession though. It is highly recommended to have at least one back-up that a person can use, especially during times of emergencies or when the initial medical gadget malfunctions.

Pay close attention to your tubing. This is definitely a part of the medical gadget that you should take note of because this is what will deliver the gaseous element to you. The tubing should never have blockages and kinks anywhere. Also, it should be connected properly to the actual container for proper use.

Remember that this gaseous element can easily cause fire. This means that you have to keep the number of the fire department in your list of phone numbers too. You should also prepare a working fire extinguisher nearby and learn how to use it. This is the best way to protect yourself, your entire family, and your house.

You should then keep away the said medical equipment from any sources of fire, heat, and even open flames. This means that this medical equipment should be located away from the gas stove. One should also not smoke near this medical equipment. Otherwise, a fire might just start.

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