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vendredi 3 octobre 2014

What You Should Know About Oral Cancer Screening Oregon

By Karina Frost

Cancer in the mouth is a type of head and neck cancer. It is described as any cancerous tissue growth that is located in your oral cavity. Many thousands of people are affected by this disease every year, and many people die from it. Educating yourself about oral cancer screening oregon may prevent this from happening to you or your family members.

This disease is actually a problem around the world. In many Asian countries, chewing betel or paan is considered to be a risk factor for the disease. In India, this disease accounts for forty percent of all reported cancers. This is significant compared to just four percent of reported cases in the UK.

The survival rate for this disease depends on many factors, such as the site of the growth and the stage at which it is diagnosed. The survival rate tends to be around 57 percent at five years regardless of gender, ethnicity, age group, and modes of treatment. However, the survival rate for stage one of the disease is approximately ninety percent. This is why doctors emphasize screening and early detection to increase survival rates for patients.

A premalignant lesion is normally benign. It is altered tissue that has the potential of becoming malignant over time. There are various types of these premalignant lesions that can occur in your mouth. Many of these lesions begin as red or white patches in the mouth. Some common lesions that may be premalignant are lichen planus of the mouth, actinic cheilitis and submucous fibrosis.

Another early sign of the disease is a white patch on the soft tissues of the mouth. This is called a leukoplakia. If the sore shows as a red patch, this is called a erythroplakia. The sore may produce a burning sensation or become painful once the tumor has reached an advanced stage. Sometimes these sores can be observed behind the wisdom tooth or even behind your ear.

Smoking and using tobacco are associated with approximately seventy-five percent of all cases of the disease. This is because smoking causes the mucous membranes in your mouth to become irritated by the heat caused by cigarettes, pipes and cigars. Tobacco has more than sixty carcinogens. The combustion of these carcinogens by smoking and the by-products it creates is the main method of disease contraction. Also, using chewing tobacco and snuff can cause irritation as well when the tobacco or snuff comes in contact with the mucous membranes in your mouth.

Although tobacco is a significant risk factor, some studies suggest that alcohol based mouthwashes may also pose certain risks. Some scientists claimed that constantly exposing the mouth to these alcohol-based rinses could lead to a greater increase in the risk of developing oral cancer, even if the user does not smoke or drink alcohol.

However, other studies conducted over several years contradicted this hypothesis, and concluded that alcohol-based mouth washes were not associated with a risk of oral cancer. The American Dental Association also confirmed that there was no real evidence to support a connection between mouth cancer and alcohol-based mouth rinses.

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