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mercredi 25 mars 2015

How To Remove A Mole: Natural Remedies

By Leslie Ball

In case your self-esteem has been lowered and you are no longer confident meeting new people and find it hard to be part of gatherings because of a mole, there are several solutions that may help you get rid of it. These are mostly the harmless black or dark brown selling parts of the skin, and can be particularly annoying when it emerges on the visible parts of the body like the face. Although most are harmless, there are a few that may be cancerous in nature. All in all, you need to understand the tips on how to remove a mole naturally to make you feel at ease.

Before discussing how to get rid of them, it is proper to first understand moles grow. The skin is constantly growing, and in few unnatural cases, the skin may grow at one point and fail to spread out as it normally does. This gives rise to a swelling that tends to darken in color, particularly in the teenage or in pregnancy. It may appear at birth, after birth or later after 30s. There is little to worry about the ones that appear at birth, however, the ones that appear after birth may turn cancerous. The worst case scenario is when it appears after 30s, as this is very likely to be cancerous. As such, it is advisable to consult a qualified doctor when it starts oozing, itching or even bleeding.

Mole removal at home may not be the safest method of dealing with it, but there are a few tips you can try, particularly if it is not cancerous. The most common procedure you will hear about is the Apple Cider Method.

In this method, you first heat water and then add white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in this mixture, apply it on the mole, and leave it for approximately half an hour. After that, wash off with cold water. The other technique is to consistently apply the grapefruit seed extracts on the affected part, leaving it to dry for two hours before washing off.

This is where apple cider vinegar or white vinegar is mixed with hot water and then applied on the affected part and left to dry for half an hour before washing. Alternatively, the extracts from grapefruit seeds can be used. The paste is allowed to dry on the affected skin and allowed to dry for 2 hours before washing.

In addition to the two, there are several other remedies that may also work. Mixing baking soda and castor oil to make a paste or use a garlic paste and wrap the affected part with the paste overnight are the other options. Alternatively, rubbing the dandelion stem against the affected skin over time has also been proven to work.

In most cases, the remedies are known to have antibacterial properties and works when applied consistently, although the results may not be instantly obvious. These are also very cheap solutions and are not associated with side effects that may be witnessed with the natural remedy creams available in the market.

Most of these remedies have antibacterial properties and are not associated with any unpleasant side effects. However, for the results to be seen, it takes patience and consistency. The remedies are also cheaper. However, if the mole does not exhibit natural behavior, it pays to see a doctor before it is too late.

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