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dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Importance Of Metabolism Testing San Mateo

By Harold Kennedy

Food eaten is one of main components that body uses in order to make energy. Energy enables body performs basic activities like breathing, walking and many more ceases. In general terms, energy is essential in fueling all body processes. During energy production process, many metabolic reactions are involved. To comprehend your body energy requirements, you need to know basal metabolic rate of your body. When you conduct Metabolism Testing San Mateo, you will be able to control your feeding habits for the good of your body.

Residents of San Mateo, CA are advised to understand basic knowledge concerning metabolism before testing their metabolism. Basal metabolic rate is number of the calories needed by body to function well while in resting state. It is important to comprehend that number of calories needed by body are likely to increase when engaging in activities such as walking and digging. To calculate your BMR consider multiplying your weight by 10 in case you are female. If you are male, consider multiplying weight of your body with 11.

Testing is intended to analyze amount of oxygen used by body. Quantity of carbon dioxide produced by body is also determined. In case, your body uses a lot of oxygen, then know that your BMR is high. During energy production process, oxygen and carbohydrates combines. When you measure amount of carbon dioxide produced, you know amount of energy formed by body.

In general terms, if you want to know your resting metabolic rate you need to consult a doctor. There are certain things he or she will want you to do, in order to make your body relaxed. The doctor will then measure your electrocardiogram, carbon dioxide exhaled and oxygen inhaled. This process is normally done in about twenty minutes.

To commence the process you will cover your mouth and your nose using a mask. This is intended to promote accuracy of the process by preventing inhalation of oxygen gas from outside the mask. Specific number of EKG stickers (usually ten) is stuck on chest in order to know the heart rate and also its rhythm. It is important not engage in vigorous activities few hours to procedure, otherwise results will not be accurate.

Doctor will tell you not to feed at least 4 hrs before the test. Doctor will also advise you to avoid engaging in vigorous activities at least 4 hrs before procedure commences. It is important for you to avoid using caffeine at least three hrs before the test. Since your chest will be accessed during the procedure, you ought to be in clothes, which are not tight. Accurate results will be attained if you remain calm and relaxed.

Regulating body weight is beneficial. It prevents people from suffering from ailments associated with poor feeding habits. Results acquired from the test will help you know when to lose weight, when to gain weight and when to maintain it. Results will also let you know the status of your body health.

In case you think you are overweight and there is need of you losing weight, you are a good candidate of this test. You are an excellent candidate of procedure if interested in maintaining or gaining weight. In case you have been diagnosed with ailments such as sleep apnea or diabetes you can make a good candidate. If intending to improve your body fitness you are also nice candidate.

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