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jeudi 9 mai 2013

Why You Cannot Stick To Your Diet

By Howe Russ

If you're like most people you've tried figuring out how to lose weight to no avail and the only consistent thing with your diet is that regularity that you fall off the rails each month. It's time to end that.

Today we will focus on a few simple things which you can implement into your eating regime to yield positive results no matter what your current situation.

Fat loss is not rocket science. This is a lucrative industry because there are people waiting around every corner to sell you their must have product, their next big thing. If you keep falling for it they will keep doing it.

We don't learn about a car engine before we've taken our driving lessons, right? It's the same here. You do not want to dive into the finer details of nutrition before you have discovered the foundations.

Before you shoot for the latest celebrity diet or so-called super food, implement the basics such as working towards a calorie deficit. Eating less than you do now is the number one rule when it comes to cutting weight quickly but effectively.

You should also look to establish a good routine when it comes to your split of protein, carbohydrates and fats. The majority of us on a bad diet get way too many carbs and fats each day, yet the majority of us dieting have been brainwashed into thinking they need to cut out fats and carbs completely.

Try to aim for a split of 40% protein, 20% fat and 40% carbohydrates in your daily calories and you've got the basics nailed down immediately.

It is also shown that when you snack you could do a lot worse than choosing protein as your macro nutrient of choice. The next time you feel peckish at work try to attack a food high in protein content rather than the quick carb, bad fats associated with junk food.

Be sure to also enjoy a day off your diet every week. Designate one day per week, call it a 'cheat day' if you wish, and simply enjoy it. There is a difference between enjoying your favorite foods and binge eating, of course, and this is something you will learn quickly. This little trick will eliminate the issue of craving junk food entirely.

These tips are the foundations of a solid eating plan. Do these from now on and you will begin to see results in your quest. Stop wondering how to lose weight or how to build muscle. The truth is often that the simple rules are the most effective.

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