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dimanche 18 août 2013

The Importance Of Consuming Healthy Herbs

By Andrea Davidson

Healthy herbs contribute to our wellbeing by providing a constant supply of essential nutrients. They have remained an important part of the diet since the ancient times. Herbal parts such as barks, roots and leaves have a variety of uses. They are known for their healing power, fragrance and aromatic effect on dishes. They have health benefits, nutritional value, medicinal and culinary uses.

The awareness concerning the usefulness of herbs is constantly increasing. This is due to the numerous benefits that they provide. Recent studies have helped to identify benefits that were not known previously. It has identified numerous health benefits and detoxification compounds that are useful to the body. Some of the compounds they contain include antioxidants, essential oils, and vitamins among others. These nutrients enhance the effectiveness of the immune system.

They contain large amounts of essential oils that are extracted for their anti-inflammatory properties. By preventing inflammation, a number of other conditions are prevented. Inflammation has been established to be a precursor of various conditions such as allergies, heart disease and Alzheimer. Anti-inflammatory compounds work against enzymes that stimulate inflammation. They are used to cure ulcerative conditions, osteo-arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory conditions..

They contain numerous compounds that relieve diabetic patients by reducing the level of blood sugar. Recent epidemiological studies have shown that garlic contains compounds that reduce total cholesterol and blood pressure. This property makes garlic useful in preventing the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke. Turmeric contains antioxidants such as curcumin which prevent various illnesses.

Herbs contain volatile oils, vitamins and antioxidants which have cytotoxicity properties. These properties enable the body to fight against cancer cells that may affect various organs such as the pancreas, colon, prostrate among others. Antioxidants offer protection against free radicals that are produced during digestion or those arising from the exposure to harmful substances. By doing this, they minimize the risk of cancer, heart disease and other diseases.

Nutritionists encourage individuals to include culinary herbs in their dishes to benefit from the special flavor and spicy taste they offer. Moreover, these compounds have anti-microbial elements which are useful in protecting food from harmful bacteria. They are used in many recipes, preparation of flavored drinks, fruit salads, soups, herbal sauces and vegetables.

They are used by many individuals as a natural weight loss technique. They stimulate metabolism, aid in weight control, promote satiety and improve the general quality of the diet. Spices obtained from herbs such as pepper rich in capsaicin are effective metabolic boosters. They contain few calories and pose fewer risks to the body when consumed.

Healthy herbs are a good alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. This is because they work gradually and gently in the body and have few side effects. By working gradually in the body, they allow the system ample time to adjust to the changes that take place. They contain compounds that are aphrodisiac, deodorants, antiseptic, analgesic and lypolytic which stimulate these body processes when taken in proper dosages. Pharmaceutical drugs on the other hand lack natural ingredients such as dietary vitamins necessary for proper body functioning.

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