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vendredi 13 mars 2015

Discover About Hypnosis For Anxiety Treatment In San Francisco

By Lena Stephenson

An anxiety disorder can be described as an inner state of mind that bring turmoil due to nervous tendencies brought about by thoughts that are instill by ones beliefs and knowledge on various subjects. The nervousness occurs when a person faces anguish existential crisis or nihilistic feelings. Hypnosis also known as hypnotherapy is a method of inducing a trance like or dream like state of deep relaxation in order to treat disorders which is why hypnosis for anxiety treatment in San Francisco is availed.

By use of hypnosis, hypnotherapists are able to able to diagnose a patient with this disorder since they can access their thoughts and thought patterns, they are able to determine their triggers and how they behave in situations of panic, this enables them to treat the condition since they know the causative agents and how it will react in case of activation.

By use of physical methods such as exercise at times anxiety can be treated but it is not as pain free and effective as hypnosis, this is because while all the other methods involve the use of physical means, it uses a less tiresome means where the patient only has to relax and drift off into a world of thoughts. Its also more effective and better than the other methods since apart from treatment it can also change the thought pattern for the individual thereby fully helping the patient overcome the cause of the nervousness.

An understanding to oneself does not come easy as it really digs deep into ones beliefs and behavior, and also involves the checking up of peoples past activities which more often lead to their anxiousness, the effects brought about by it. During the hypnotherapy session the therapist will be able to determine what really caused the anxiety in the patient and due to the lack of ego they suggest some changes to their behavior and even try to remove the causative factor through the procedural technique.

Many times the anxious mind does not even recognize that it is anxious in its conscious state as the tension is a culminative state whereby it involves many factors before it reaches the anxious phase that is physically seen. Thus in hypnosis first one is able to understand fully what their mental state is composed of because they and fully access their minds and tell what they are made of.

Since childhood the cultures and beliefs of our environment determine how we react. This is not uncommon in an anxious state. We are trained up to react in a particular anxious state whenever we face certain states of experiences like when we are faced with an exam or when we are faced with certain life challenges we act anxious. Some of these conditions are inbuilt since they are ingrained in us to act like that. To remove some of these tendencies can only be removed by hypnosis which changes the way we think.

Patients experiencing trauma or had experienced it before are bound to be anxious. This form of mental state is brought about by the previous experience they had gone through. To help this kind of patients heal from the condition, hypnosis is used.

Hypnosis has proven to be an effective method of treating this mental condition to many and is still encouraged for many other cases as its been proven to be effective in previous cases.

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