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mardi 10 mars 2015

How To Achieve Menopausal Weight Loss

By Leslie Ball

It is a challenge for women at menopause and post menopause to control weight gain and loss. Gaining a few pounds is very easy but loosing becomes a huge challenge. Experts have studied this challenge and recommended very simple tips for menopausal weight loss. The solution is long term and does not involve tasteless foods or strenuous exercises.

The dietary magic can be revealed by scheduling a visit to your nutritionist. The nutritionist studies your diet and makes recommendations for adjustment. The nutritionist is a single unit in a trilogy that also includes a psychologist and an exercise physiologist. The three offer a comprehensive and professional approach that is guaranteed to deliver reliable results.

The foods recommended by nutritionists ensure that you do not gain body fat and at the same time loose the excess. Professional nutritionists recommended that a woman should take more vegetables and fruits. There are different categories to ensure that your taste preferences are considered.

Nutritionists who specialized in shedding excess pounds recommended reduction in intake of processed sugars and deserts. The sweeteners in processed foods and deserts are packed with calories that are easy to absorb and convert into fat. This also applies to sweetened drinks. Women are also advised to avoid meat and cheese in order to keep body fat in check.

The benefits of proper weight management at that stage include avoidance of numerous health complications including arthritis, high blood pressure and heart diseases. Excess body fats makes arthritis around the hips and knees more severe. It is also linked to diabetes, among other health complications that would be troublesome to women.

Experts recommend that women at menopause should make time for regular exercises every day. The exercises can take the form of gardening, dancing or thirty minutes workout. A combination of exercises will ensure that the body is comprehensively covered. You do not require a professional gym or running a marathon to achieve this. A little improvisation will deliver excellent results.

Your choice of snacks and fast foods should be evaluated by a professional nutritionist. The aim is to eliminate unhealthy choices especially from the fridge and replace them with healthy alternatives. The alternatives are equally tasty but have the added benefit of providing good health.

Soft drinks like sodas and sweetened drinks should be kept out of reach. Their concentration of calories and its ability to lead to additional fat is alarming. A single bottle has the potential of reversing gains made over weeks. The best alternatives are seltzer water with lime wedge or lemon. It is equally refreshing and healthy.

Part of effective body fat management is to avoid hunger. You are advised to keep a bowl of fruits within reach. The fruits are healthy for snacking and will keep you full. A snack or sliced apple also works wonders in keeping away the temptation to eat excessively.

An exercise partner offer encouragement and support in your weight management plan. A walking or exercising partner makes the moments memorable by ensuring that you long for them. Identify a schedule for your exercise meetings and make it a habit. All the tips given should be religiously and consistently followed to ensure that they deliver desired results.

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