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dimanche 4 août 2013

Best rated 8 foods that increase fat loss

By Faryn Clark

Weight loss doesn't involve cutting foods from diet and reducing food amount. There are certain types of food stuffs that can help you to rapidly lose weight with their fat burning action.


It is a known fact that one need not survive on a grapefruit diet only to lose weight. It has been reported that intake of half a grapefruit before every meal or drinking grape fruit juice thrice a day will help to shed more weight. The miraculous components in the fruit are the phytochemicals, which reduce the insulin levels and activate the system to transform excess calories into energy than usually converting it into flabby fat.

Food 2: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is considered as a super spice that promotes wellbeing with its health healing properties. While losing weight, it's all about controlling the insulin spikes after meals as this is what drives us hungry. Cinnamon benefits can be taken advantage with no extra effort; studies have proven that including a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon daily can suppress cholesterol, blood sugar, and triglyceride levels. It can be just mixed into the morning latte or just sprinkled into a breakfast cereal.

Food 3: Chili peppers

Prefer including little heat to the diet as it can boost up weight loss. Studies claim that a one tends to opt for a small lunch after a spicy start in the morning with chilies as part of breakfast. Apparently, red peppers and chilies are rich in capsaicin, a best appetite suppressor. Chilies can be stirred into scrambled eggs or included as part of a spicy egg-white to hasten weight loss as it isn't easy to face chilies in the early morning meal. Including little bit of heat can promote weight loss.

Fennel tea

Various health providing benefits can be reaped by the intake of fennel tea as it is fully packed with high levels of elements such as magnesium, calcium and potassium, including vitamin C and B. fennel offers a double benefit when it comes to losing weight. It acts as metabolic booster as well as an appetite suppressant which are both important functions to lose weight. Fennel tea can be easily obtained from supermarkets and be included to the daily diet to fend off the cravings and increase fat burning process.

Food 5: Salad

Low-calorie salad consumption prior to main meals can support weight loss and can provide the recommended dose of vegetables in a daily diet. The way it works for weight loss doesn't include a rocket science as the main key lies behind a meager intake of salad, which creates stomach fullness and hence, one tends to eat lesser during meals. One should ensure that the salad is not loaded with a fatty dressing. It makes a perfect healthy and fresh salad when it gets loaded with little balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Food 6: Green tea

Food 8: Green tea

It is another powerful brew that offers a multitude of wellbeing and health benefits. It could be a perfect pre-workout drink for some one who is a fitness freak. It also increases endurance by as much as 24 per cent, thus promoting to perform longer workouts and thus get rid of those pounds. To increase the process of weight; the journal of nutrition conducted a study that has proven that daily intake of five cups of green tea can promote twice as much weight loss, especially around the middle of the body.


Celery is one of the best weight loss foods that promote burning up of more calories soon after taking it. Celery is well-packed with foliate and fiber which has highest nutritional value. Foliate is an essential nutrient that promotes formation of new body cells with its protective action; while fiber enhances digestion. Celery is effective in losing weight and no wonder that it has been featured in various options such as a pre-meal salad, meal or a healthy snack to munch on.

Food 8: Lentils

Lentils make a good weight-loss food as they are loaded with full of nutrients. They do not contain fat and high calories; however, have potential to satisfy hunger. Lentils make a heavy meal and have been considered as substitute for meat as they can create a feeling of consuming a heavy meal that is comparable to meat. Moreover, it doesn't contain saturated fat and high calories as meat which is an advantage for weight losers. The nutrient value of celery is comparable to that of celery as they are also packed with foliate and fiber thus, contributing to the growth of body cells, stomach fullness and improved digestion.

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