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samedi 13 juillet 2013

How To Maintain Muscle And Lose Fat

By James Steele

You may have been having trouble trying to burn fat but not muscle, we understand this. Lots of other people have the same annoyance with it. It does not have to be annoying achieving this kind of goal. Having the right information plus dedication and commitment will see it through. If you do not enjoy your exercise program, then you probably find it hard to stick to it. When you are exercising and think it is fun, or enjoyable, then you will find that you do not mind doing it. In fact, once you see positive results you will look forward to exercising.

What you have to do is learn to lower your calories by creating a deficit in them. Your consumption of fats and protein shouldn't be lessened as there is an effective way of doing this. Yes, we'll be reducing the amount of carbohydrates you consume.

Here's a piece of wisdom that's rather old and has been around for a very long time. But rather surprisingly not a lot of people know too much about this, and it will most certainly alter the way you eat. Always chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly. There's a 20 minute time lag from when your stomach is full and when your brain gets the signal that it is.

If you know about diets and food then you will understand that it's a good idea to not eat too many complex carbs. But if not then knowing they will be converted into fat if there is a surplus is important to know. You only need to avoid eating too many of them in one meal, eating them regularly is fine because they are required. So when you are shooting for fat loss, then minimize the starchy foods and eat proteins along with some fat content. You'll get some excellent results by doing this in conjunction with regular exercise.

Exploring the various methods and tricks when you're wanting to lose fat but not muscle is the best thing to do. Overall, the process is very flexible because there are lots of different methods out there that work very well.

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