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dimanche 14 juillet 2013

Lose Weight Fast Following These 5 Simple Tips

By Sheila Bell

In our society people no longer want to work hard to get what they want. They expect to get what they want instantly while putting in little or no effort to get it. Weight loss is no exception. Weight loss requires time and effort, there is no instant fix. Despite that there are things you can do to accelerate the weight loss process. Following are 5 simple yet healthy ways to lose weight fast.

Redesign Your Meal Plans

If you want to lose weight and reduce the chance of regaining it you have to eat healthier. When initially beginning a weight loss program most people overestimate what they are capable of doing.

When you immediately give up everything youve been eating you are setting yourself up for failure right from the start.

This should be a slow and steady process. If you are a junk food fanatic who loves sweets try having a piece of fruit instead. The days you do have treats you enjoy cut back on the portion size.

Alternate Your Workout Routines

If you are doing the same workout everyday your body will eventually become used to it and will not respond in the same way. You may notice that you are no longer dropping weight.

Changing your exercise routine on a regular basis is just what your body needs to keep it engaged and burning calories.

For maximum calorie burn, alternate aerobic, interval and strength training exercises.

Pack A Healthy Lunch

Buying lunch each day can be expensive and fattening. An easy way to avoid this is to make healthy lunches at home and bring them to work each day.

When trying to eat healthy and lose weight bringing your own food for lunch makes sense. It allows you to choose healthier, lower calorie foods.

If you do not have time to make lunch in the morning, do it the night before.

Rid Your House Of Snacks

One way to promote weight loss is by not keeping unhealthy snacks in the house. Doing this means that if you get the urge to have a snack you will have to leave the house to get it. Most times you will think that the extra effort you have to put in to get it is just not worth it.

Make Breakfast A Priority

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast consisting of protein and complex carbs will energize your body and keep you going until lunch.

Take time to enjoy a healthy breakfast each day and watch the impact it has on your life.

If followed, these 5 healthy ways to lose weight can help you hit your weight loss goals.

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